Single Page App Converter for Twitter Bootstrap

What is it?

Plugin for Twitter Bootstrap that converts websites to single page apps on the fly! This is a simple jQuery plugin designed for Twitter Bootstrap that uses Ajax calls to turn a website into a mobile capable, single page app. Websites saved to the homescreen on iOS will not show the browser controls and act as standalone apps. In a nutshell, the plugin sweeps through link and form elements, and converts the links/submissions into jQuery-handled Ajax calls.

How does it work?

Simply include the plugin file, update the selectors in the example code below, and run that after your page loads.

    selector: '#maincontainer',
    refreshScripts: true,
    loadingElement: '.loadingicon',
    userAgents: ['iPad','iPod','iPhone','Android','webOS','BlackBerry']

Make sure to review the GitHub documentation for full configuration and requirements.

Where do I get it?

You can view and contribute through GitHub.

Building Awesome Web Apps
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